Oneida Farmers Market

Connecting people to local farmers and the food they grow.

The Oneida Farmers Market is designed as an outlet for fruits, vegetables, pre-packaged honey and maple syrup and related items, flowers, plants, sweet grass and other items that are raised or grown and picked by the seller, as well as crafts that are made by the seller. Food vendors are there every week cooking up a variety of foods. The Farmers Market runs Thursdays 12PM-6PM, from mid-June through October. Twice a season, our Farmers Market Bash Events feature live music, games, prizes, and FREE horse and wagon rides.


N7332 Water Cir Pl

Oneida, WI 54155


Every Thursday

3rd Thursday in June through

1st Thursday in October

Noon to 6pm

Setup beginning as soon as 8 am

Reserve Your Space Now!

Please select a date below to see available market stalls.

Market Stall Availabity

The Farmers Market runs Thursdays 12PM-6PM, from mid-June through October. Twice a season, our Farmers Market Bash Events feature live music, games, prizes, and FREE horse and wagon rides.

Please select a Thursday from the dropdown below to view and book your market stall today!

What Is and Is Not Provided

The Oneida Farmers Market will provide vendors with a canopy (while supplies last), two portable bathrooms (one is handicapped accessible) and two handwash stations. We do not supply electricity, tables, chairs, or garbage cans.

To be a vendor your products must be either homemade or homegrown. We do not allow garage or rummage sale items to be sold at the Farmers Market.

Severe Weather Operating Procedures

The Oneida Farmers Market follows the Oneida Nation’s severe weather Standard Operating Procedure. This means if there is extreme weather on the day of the Farmers Market all activities for that day will be cancelled. Severe weather is defined by: high winds, hail, lightning or any other form of weather that could be dangerous to our customers and vendors.

The decision to cancel the Farmers Market due to severe weather will be made the morning of the Market, and it will be posted on the Oneida Farmers Market Facebook page. If you are in doubt if the Market will be operational on that day, please call or text Bill at 920-819-1933. If severe weather develops later in the hours of Market operations, Farmers Market staff will be available to inform you of the proceedings.